White water rafting is quite popular these days. People of all age groups love the adventure, fun and complete excitement. But at times when we are on our trip we forget the basic safety tips.

  1. White water rafting trips are available at different level – basic, medium and advanced. According to your needs or the group choose the most appropriate one for you. If you know rafting it’s good… but keep in mind the age factor also. Too young or people above 50 find rafting difficult or a strenuous activity. So they should be avoided at the advanced level.
  2. Listen to your guide. Don’t under estimate the guide. They have the experience of dealing the tough situations, which you might not. Follow his instructions. Don’t show off that bravely you can overcome any hurdle. It’s better to be on the safer side of the road.
  3. Eat light meals before you start river rafting.
  4. Take mini safety lessons from the guide and strictly follow the do’s and do not’s.
  5. Wear the right clothes for white river water rafting, as you will get wet during rafting. Wear life jackets, helmets and right size oar.
  6. Do not wear the funky flip-flops, as one tends to slip because they get wet. It is advisable to wear tennis shoes. This will help you in easy walking and protect feet from cuts and scratches.
  7. Never go on for water rafting all alone, especially in the remote rivers. Sometimes we need aid and that’s not possible to obtain.
  8. These are just the simple tips that surely anyone can follow. Have a Happy White Water Rafting trip ahead.

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