What to Do With a Long Layover in London

Nine-hour layover.  Those words can strike dread in any traveler’s heart.  Unless that is, that long layover is in London.  Then, all of a sudden, those words are full of opportunity.  We’re not strangers to the long layover.  We used a long layover to tour Munich in a day, and another long layover at the Munich airport (which included a spa visit and a brewery visit).  Given the distance between Heathrow and the city of London, we didn’t get to do as much as we did with seven hours in Munich, but we were still able to have a very nice morning wandering around London on a self-guided tour, taking photos, and seeing a couple things we hadn’t seen when we were in London for our honeymoon 14 years ago.

London Bridge and River Thames What to Do With a Long Layover in London

To set expectations, our flight landed at 6:20 a.m.  Our first photo wasn’t taken until 8:45 a.m.  Yes, it took almost two-and-a-half hours to transfer from our arriving terminal to our departing terminal, go through passport control, use the restroom, store our luggage at Excess Baggage Company, purchase our London Travelcards, and travel on the Tube to our first destination.  For our flight departing at 3:25 p.m., we caught the Tube back to Heathrow around 12:30 p.m., so our London long layover of nine hours really only afforded us four hours in the city.

St. Paul’s Cathedral

St. Paul's Cathedral and Queen Anne What to Do With a Long Layover in London

Our first London long layover self-guided tour stop was St. Paul’s Cathedral.  St. Paul’s Cathedral is situated at the highest point of London, and there has been a Cathedral on this same spot for over 1,400 years.

St. Paul's Cathedral Dome What to Do With a Long Layover in London

The current Cathedral, designed by Sir Christopher Wren, was built between 1675 and 1710 after the prior Cathedral was destroyed in the Great Fire of London. 

St. Paul's Cathedral Front What to Do With a Long Layover in London

Since our layover was on a Sunday, we couldn’t enter the cathedral, otherwise, we would have tried to climb to the top for the view.  So instead we took in the views of the outside while sipping coffee and nibbling on a chocolate croissant from a local café. 

St. Paul's Cathedral from 1 New Change What to Do With a Long Layover in London

A unique view of St. Paul’s Cathedral can be seen from 1 New Change, a shopping center with smoked glass windows that reflect the Cathedral.

Temple Bar

Temple Bar What to Do With a Long Layover in London

Another of Sir Christopher Wren’s creations can be seen across the way from St. Paul’s Cathedral.  Temple Bar was the gateway to the city of London for 200 years.  It was then moved and rebuilt as the entrance to a country estate.  It wasn’t until November 10, 2004, that Temple Bar was returned to London at Paternoster Square.

Millennium Bridge

Millennium Bridge What to Do With a Long Layover in London

Millennium Bridge is a pedestrian-only bridge which crosses the Thames, connecting St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Tate Modern and Shakespeare’s Globe.  The bridge opened to the public in 2000.

Shakespeare’s Globe

Shakespeare's Globe What to Do With a Long Layover in London

Despite its name, Shakespeare never set foot in the current Shakespeare’s Globe, which opened in 1997.  But it is a very good reconstruction of the Globe Theatre originally built in 1599.

Clink Street

Clink Street What to Do With a Long Layover in London

Clink Street connects Shakespeare’s Globe and Southwark Cathedral.  Walking along the dark cobbled lane will transport you back to the London of long ago.  The street gets its name from the prison, known as “The Clink,” that was attached to Winchester Palace. 

Winchester Palace

Winchester Palace What to Do With a Long Layover in London

Along Clink Street are the ruins of Winchester Palace, the palace of the Bishops of Winchester.  The palace was founded in the 12th century by Bishop Henry de Blois, the brother of King Stephen.  It housed bishops visiting London on royal or administrative business and remained in use until the 17th century.  It was later divided into warehouses and tenements.  The only part of the palace that remains is the Great Hall and its rose window.  The ruins were discovered in the 19th century and revealed in the 1980s.

The Golden Hinde

The Golden Hinde What to Do With a Long Layover in London

At the end of Clink Street we were surprised to see a ship.  The Golden Hinde is a full-scale reconstruction of Sir Francis Drake’s sailing galleon.

Southwark Cathedral

Southwark Cathedral What to Do With a Long Layover in London

Southwark Cathedral was built around 1220 and is the oldest gothic church in London. 

The View from The Shard

The Shard London Bridge What to Do With a Long Layover in London

While most of the sites we visited during our London long layover didn’t cost us a thing, the opposite was true for The View from The Shard, which opened to the public in February 2013.

The Shard View Tower of London What to Do With a Long Layover in London

The View from The Shard provides the highest viewing gallery in London and visitors can see all of London’s points of interest including Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Tower Bridge, and the Tower of London.

The Shard View What to Do With a Long Layover in London

The Shard is Western Europe’s tallest building.  It is 800 feet tall and provides 360-degree views of the city.  The sky deck is located on level 72 and the observation deck is on level 69.  The elevator transports visitors 68 floors in sixty seconds.

The Shard Moet & Chandon Champagne Bar What to Do With a Long Layover in London

Admission is pretty pricey so you may be tempted to spend more time here to get your money’s worth.  If you do, The View from The Shard offers Europe’s highest Moët & Chandon Champagne bar.  However, if you’re visiting London on a long layover, you’ll want to take in the views and move on.

St. Dunstan in the East

St. Dunstan in the East What to Do With a Long Layover in London

We crossed the Thames again, this time using London Bridge.  After a short walk along the water, we came to St. Dunstan in the East, the first church built in Saxon times.

St. Dunstan in the East Tower What to Do With a Long Layover in London

The church was restored by St. Dunstan in 950 AD, and it was rebuilt by Sir Christopher Wren after the Great Fire.  Only the tower of that church survives as the church suffered severe damage caused by World War II bombings.  The ruins of the church were turned into a garden which opened to the public in 1967.

Leadenhall Market

Leadenhall Market What to Do With a Long Layover in London

Leadenhall Market is a very picturesque piece of architecture.  Leadenhall Market has existed in some form since the 1st century.  In the 1300s, the Manor of Leadenhall was a meeting place for poulterers and cheesemongers.  By the 1400s it was the best place in London to buy meat, game, poultry, and fish.  As with practically everything else in London, the market was partially destroyed in the Great Fire but was quickly rebuilt.  In 1881 the structure was replaced with a wrought iron and glass structure.

The Royal Exchange

Royal Exchange What to Do With a Long Layover in London

The Royal Exchange was built in 1566 as a center for trading stocks.  A hundred years later, additional floors were added for retail businesses, making it an early shopping mall.  The Royal Exchange was destroyed in the Great Fire, was rebuilt, but was destroyed by fire again almost 200 years later.  The current building was opened in 1844.  It is now a shopping and dining destination.

Royal Exchange and Bank of England What to Do With a Long Layover in London

Across the street from the Royal Exchange is the Bank of England, which, at over 300 years old, is one of the oldest banks in the world.  When I hear the name Bank of England, all I can think about is the scene in Mary Poppins when Michael creates a run on the Bank of England when he is overheard saying they wouldn’t give him back his money.

Covent Garden

Neal's Yard What to Do With a Long Layover in London

We hopped on the Tube and headed to Covent Garden, mostly to catch a glimpse of Neal’s Yard, a colorful alley and courtyard, and to have a meat pie from Battersea Pie Shop.  Also in Covent Garden is St. Paul’s Church, which is where Henry Higgins first encounters Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady

There are so many things to do in London, and a layover, even a long one, does not provide enough time to do them.  But visitors can take in a lot of London’s sites, at least from the outside, on a long layover with a strategically planned self-guided tour.

Travel the World: A self-guided tour for a long layover in London.

Katherine Belarmino and Romeo Belarmino are the authors of Travel the World, a travel blog for the everyday working stiff. They work full-time in non-travel related jobs, but take every opportunity they can to travel the world during their limited vacation time.

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