I go to California every year for Burning Man, which by far is the crowning glory of the entire year. But, Don and I try to squeeze in a few things before and after the festival as well. This short article is mostly a brief mentioning of these visits and a few photos.

Walker River Resort

The drive from Long Beach to Burning Man takes X hours. Doing that drive as well as buying food, gas, water and other essentials nearby the entrance and then get into the festival in one day is impossible, so we drive most of the way, spend the night then do the rest.

This year, we stopped at Walker River Resort, a bit further from Black Rock City than we normally stay, but well worth it! It is the nearest RV ground with a pool and a Jacuzzi. There is also a nearby river which we explored by foot, wading through the stream in search of the next beautiful vista around the next bend.

We liked it so much, we returned to Walker River Resort after Burning Man. Nothing beats a nice soak in the Jacuzzi after you’ve lived in a dust bowl for ten days.


Best Buck in the Bay

The weekend after Burning Man finished, San Francisco’s gay rodeo was having their annual big gay rodeo, the Best Buck in the Bay. BB in the B was my first ever rodeo, and back then it was held close to San Francisco and it was a big event. This year, it was held pretty far out, and it was much smaller too. Still, a gay rodeo is always fun, partly because of the sport and partly because you get to hand around dirty-minded cowboys all day.

This year, I didn’t compete at all, just watched. So, no action shots of me this time around.

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