It’s hard to believe that little more than a month ago, I didn’t know this place existed and now I’m waxing lyrical about it and urging anyone who listens to visit.

If my trip to Albi tells me anything, it’s that my favourite parts of France are probably found in the smaller cities and towns. I just love the leisurely pace of life and how much pleasure and beauty can be found simply by aimlessly wandering around.

Sometimes I’m bad at stopping to soak things in when I travel because I want to cram everything in, but I found myself stopping often to take in the small details. Though when the streets look as pretty as they do, and the rhythm of life moves slower, it makes you want to stop and simply be in the moment. You don’t feel like you’re on treadmill racing against time. It’s the perfect size for a day trip.

Finally, while I was just there for a day, I’m sure an overnight stay would enhance any experience of Albi, and the same is true for France at large. Take a look at for accommodation options and availability.

If you’re thinking of visiting Albi, go for it.

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