The Museum of Broken Relationships is not the sandpit of sorrow that you might initially expect given its name. Amidst the melancholy, lies an unyielding undercurrent of resilience and hope.

Located in Zagreb, Croatia’s capital city, the museum explores the theme of failed relationships through a growing collection of personal mementoes that have been donated to the museum post breakup. It’s an original yet simple idea that resonates with audiences from around the world.

The objects on display range from the sentimental to the mundane and everything in between, reflecting the idiosyncratic nature of relationships and the meanings we attach to them. Each object unfolds a story. They are sometimes funny, often heartfelt, and other times heart-wrenching. 

The personal nature of the exhibits and accompanying narratives, creates a powerful human connection and transcends traditional museum exhibits.

Unlike conventional museum objects, value isn’t placed on how how significant it is to a particular important field of interest like art, history, or science, nor does it relate to its scarcity or uniqueness, instead its value is placed on the personal story behind an otherwise rather unremarkable item.

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