Although it can be among the toughest things to do, learning a language can give individuals a sense of achievement like none other. A lot of work, patience, effort, and dedication goes into getting to grips with a new dialect, but it can be gratifying once it has been achieved.

Learners are able to expand their horizons, as they can give themselves better job prospects, including potentially applying for jobs abroad. Furthermore, with living in a foreign country is something that appeals to many, being able to speak the language can turn that dream into a reality.

However, some of the world’s population will make the move without learning the language first. Some decide to make the move and then consider taking up the language after. Of course, there is no right or wrong way, but heading to the country and hearing the language spoken daily can be one of the best ways to learn more quickly.

Spain has always been a popular home in the sun for British expats, with statistics backing that up. According to data, over 180,000 Brits are thought to call Spain home. It is a number that went up by 176% over the course of a year. However, with the country becoming very British in some areas, it could be argued that many have found it unnecessary to learn Spanish.

For those that have made the move to Spain, though, there are a number of ways in which they are able to learn the language while living in the country.

Take a language course

Language courses are now accessible in a variety of ways, with many being suitable and catering to all different learner needs. For instance, you can now learn Spanish online through a site that offers courses with a private tutor. These courses offer resources that can be beneficial and can allow students to learn at their own pace. Elsewhere, you could look to attend language schools, with many regions now offering them as they become more popular with foreign-speaking communities.

The Best Ways to Learn a Language Abroad

Live with a native family

Depending on the type of visit being undertaken when abroad, you could look to learn the language by lodging with a host family. In doing so, a greater understanding of culture and certain nuances that the dialect features will be learned, while you will be exposed to it on a daily basis. This will train your brain to recognize certain words and phrases, which will then be remembered through constant use. A host family can also be a great way for an individual to build relationships in a new environment or socialize when it might be difficult.

The Best Ways to Learn a Language Abroad

Immerse yourself in daily activities

The best way to learn a language when abroad is to throw yourself in the deep end and simply use it as often as possible. Mistakes are naturally going to happen when trying something new, so there is no need to be frightened. Locals will typically appreciate it when someone tries to interact in their language, as it shows an appreciation and value of their culture. If you want to test yourself with the language, going to a restaurant, speaking with locals, or even doing a daily shop can be a great way to learn vocabulary and catch certain phrases quickly.

The Best Ways to Learn a Language Abroad

Be entertained in the language

We all like to spend time reading our favorite books, websites, newspapers and magazines. We all like to watch TV and films or play games. While abroad, why not change them to the language of the country that you are in? This can help you to immerse yourself more fully into the culture while allowing you to see and hear how certain words/phrases are said. It can be a great way to practice in your own time, while still having fun.

The Best Ways to Learn a Language Abroad

Final Thoughts

There are numerous ways in which the language of the country you are in when abroad can be learned. It is important to recognize that time and patience are needed, but by doing the activities outlined above, there is every chance that you can pick it up a little easier than if you were in your home country and taking lessons once a week.

The Best Ways to Learn a Language Abroad



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