There is a certain pattern to life. Each decade brings a fairly predictable set of priorities and responsibilities. The decades ahead truly make solo travel in your 20s a priority.

Whether your path into your 20s involved work or school, at a certain point, questions arise.

  • What am I doing? Why?
  • Am I closing off my options?
  • Am I on the right path?
  • Is this all there is?

And, the big one: Should I keep forging ahead or step back and assess the situation?

Unless your career path is very clear, little is lost taking a step back. Even when the career path is clear, it can be worthwhile. You would be shocked to know how many travel bloggers were successful lawyers.

Solo travel in your 20s provides freedom to grow in ways that no other activity does as well as the opportunity to reassess the choices you’re making.

image, female solo traveler

How Solo Travel in Your 20s Delivers the Freedom of Choice

The value of traveling solo in your 20s is actually not that different from any other point in life. However, the weight of that value is much greater.

One of the most important things that solo travel teaches is how capable and resilient you are. The lived experience of being capable is quite different from the theoretical. People telling you that you are capable is one thing. Navigating every aspect of travel on your own is proof. That proof lives within you, builds confidence, and makes you more capable in any situation. As a person in their 20s, living proof has more value than it has for someone later in life.

With a deep knowledge of your capabilities, life choices that had previously seemed impossible are now seen as a viable option. You might also want to read Travel Solo and Practice 3 Essential Life Skills.

image, hostel, great for solo travelers in 20s

Guide to Solo Travel Resources for 20-Somethings

Traveling alone for the first time in your 20s is wonderful but it can also be daunting. We have hundreds of how-to posts offering solo travel tips and advice. This guide gives you access to all: Solo Travel in Your 20s & 30s: Budget, Luxury & Gap Year Tips. Pay particular attention to:

Here’s a word from Annette, an experienced solo traveler. “Trust yourself. Solo Travel is the most freeing and wonderful experience. Trust yourself, trust your instincts and just go for it!”

photo, image, bali, southeast asia for solo travel in 20s
Ganesha, Hindu God of success, education, wisdom, and generally getting around obstacles. It is one of the most common Hindu Gods seen in Bali, a wonderful solo travel destination in Southeast Asia.

Where to Take Your First Solo Trip: Vacation or Gap Year

Southeast Asia is the primary destination if you’re setting out to travel solo in your 20s. But, it’s certainly not the only option.

There are many things to consider when planning your solo trip. How much time you have is likely the most significant. If you are taking a week or two on vacation, you may not want the jet lag or expense of a flight so far away. Traveling somewhat closer to home makes sense.

However, if you have months or even a full gap year, a long-haul flight to a cheaper destination can make a lot of sense. The cost of your flight is stretched over many days and becomes almost insignificant given the savings in hostel nights.

I suggest that you dig deep into these posts:

If you want to take a tour rather than plan it all yourself and go independently, the big deal for solo travelers is the single supplement. This is a premium that some companies charge for giving you your own room. In reality, it is cheaper for a company to sell to a couple but have to pay for only one room on the tour. However, with the rise of solo travel and our campaign to get more companies to drop the single supplement, more and more companies are adapting to the needs of solo travelers.

Make sure you check out our list of tours with no or low single supplements. Or sign up here and we’ll send you the new list as soon as it’s updated each month. Also, read How to Choose a Tour for Solo Travelers: Top Tips for Savings and Fun.

I also recommend CultureTrip. Here’s their article on The Best Solo Trips to Take in Your 20s.

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An Email Course on Solo Travel

The Wits & Wonder Travel Course helps you develop travel skills, build travel confidence, and cultivate money strategies so that you can travel more. In seven emails, it will help you with the practical aspects of travel that you might not know but need to travel solo in your 20s.

  • Gain the confidence you need to realize your dream trip
  • Learn successful money-saving techniques
  • Develop travel planning skills for a trip you’ll love
  • Better understand your travel strengths and abilities even if you haven’t traveled before
  • Discover which travel resources deliver more travel for less money
  • Fine-tune your senses to enjoy the wonder in this world
  • Plan for a safe and exciting trip

One last note: You may not have had to consider travel insurance as a solo traveler yet. It’s really important. Here’s what you need to know to help you choose the plan that’s right for you: A Complete Guide to Travel Insurance for Solo Travelers.


Last updated: 18th September, 2023

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