Odd timing, but I have been sent several different ruggedized, solar-powered, portable power banks recently. Maybe it’s a new year thing, beats me. I’ll admit that I’m not really the type of person that carries around a spare power bank for my smartphone or devices when I’m on the trail. My thinking is to conserve power by simply not using my smartphone – I got outdoors to get off the grid, not carry it with me. That said, this technology is improving rapidly and I’m looking forward to comparing them.

I’ll be testing these three specific brands/models:

I was surprised to see that these are relatively inexpensive, in the region of $40 each. The CoreThird Maasai 10 Solar Panel is slightly more expensive but solar panels are and this one is extremely well made – and light weight.

Anyway, this isn’t a in-depth product review, just a short post to say that I’m back testing gear and looking forward to getting back to blogging. I have plenty to share and welcome your input and feedback as always. Here are some additional photos of the three chargers. If you have tried them and have comments, leave them below – I’d love to hear your thoughts. // BG

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