Note: All travel is subject to frequently-changing governmental restrictions—please check federal, state, and local advisories before scheduling trips.

Sand and water are just the beginning. Beyond the basics, every Florida beach—and coastal region—has features that give it a distinct personality. Whether you’re always looking for the next great party, looking to spend time with the fam, or you’re more of culture vulture, nature lover, or hopeless romantic, there’s a Florida beach for you. Take our quiz to discover which part of the Sunshine State’s vast waterfront you most resemble, and then start planning a vacation that’s your perfect fit.

RELATED: 7 great Florida dog beach escapes

Tagged: Florida, Fort Lauderdale, Key West, Miami, Uncategorized

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Dalia Colon

Dalia is a multimedia journalist in Tampa and the Smart Travel Insider for VISIT FLORIDA. Follow her on Twitter @daliacolon.

Dalia Colon

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