In Puebla’s city, our climbing crew gathered,

Nine strong climbers, excitement untethered.

Seven from the States, a Canadian, and me,

Down under Aussie, ready for glee.


Guides Dominic and Ben, oh, so grand,

Leading us through mountains, rocky land.

Ixta stood tall, a challenge to meet,

But a fiery eruption brought a retreat.


No summit conquered, yet a story to hail,

Volcanic spectacle, a fiery tale.

Rest day dawned, in Puebla so neat,

Toilet seats amazed, a comfy seat.


Blue bags forgotten, in the city’s embrace,

Puebla’s wonders, each one to trace.

Orizaba awaits, our ultimate quest,

Ben fueled by boar, a summit to crest.


Erica, a wallaby, Rich, a kangaroo,

Scaling peaks, a courageous view.

Woody’s sun hoody, fresh and so clean,

Zócalo square, where memories convene.


Pyramids explored, a historic delight,

Cat on the menu, a culinary fright.

Mole dinner shared, a taste so divine,

New friendships blossomed, like aged wine.


Miss my girls at home, a heartfelt pang,

Instagram friendships, a digital hang.

Dominic’s safe call, a grateful plea,

Back to families, hearts filled with glee.


RMI Climber Thinus Keeve

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