Angela Hartnett is one of Britain’s best-loved chefs. Her fine-dining Italian restaurant in Mayfair, Murano, has held a Michelin star since 2009; her more laid-back Cafe Murano now occupies three prime London locations. Hotel lovers will know her as the literal name behind Lime Wood‘s Hartnett Holder & Co, and the figurative one behind Portetta‘s Cucina Angelina. Last year she was awarded an OBE for her admirable service to the hospitality industry during the pandemic.

As if that wasn’t enough, she still carves out time for presenting duties too, occasionally on TV, but most notably on the podcast Dish which she co-hosts with the DJ Nick Grimshaw, inviting the likes of Stanley Tucci, Candice Brathwaite, and Paul Feig for some raucous dinner-party chat. On the eve of its new series we stopped by Murano (in the middle of a makeover to mark its 15th anniversary) for some light grilling…

Favourite museum/gallery
The National Portrait Gallery.

Book that shaped you
JD Salinger’s Franny and Zooey.

Accent/language that turns you on

Favourite cocktail
A negroni.

Comfort food
A roast chicken/salted crisp sandwich.

Most memorable meal
At restaurant ValCeno on Christmas Eve 1999 with all my family in Italy.

Worst holiday hangover
With friends Paul and Zena in the south of France. We went on a boat the next day and I was so ill I decided to jump off and swim to the restaurant we were going for lunch at. (Plus every time I go on holiday with my best friends Adam and Tieu.)

Best vintage/antique find
A vintage mirror and champagne glasses from somewhere on New York’s Sullivan Street.

Architecture that awes you
Venice. Every time.

Interiors you envy
The Pig hotels. I love Judy Hutson’s style and taste.

Homewares you hunt while travelling
Kitchenware, antique copper pots, and madeleine trays.

Design decade you feel at home in
I would love to have been born in F Scott Fitzgerald’s 1920s.

Go-to spa treatment
Anything Sarah Chapman.

How do you unwind?
At home with the dogs, or out walking the dogs.

Most regrettable holiday purchases
I don’t have any (unless you count the hangovers).

Your must-pack outfit
Shorts and flip-flops.

City you’d move to
San Francisco.

Strangest hotel experience
When I called reception to complain about an alarm going off then realising it was the fire alarm and we all had to vacate.

Best place you’ve ever swum
Norway in ice-cold water. I just love this type of swimming.

Guilty pleasure
Rosé and cards.

Pool or ocean

Define love in three words
Neil Donald Borthwick.

Angela was photographed at Murano by Hannah Dace. Series four of Dish, from Waitrose & Partners, is out now on all podcast platforms.

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