Prague. It’s sort of like that beautiful friend you have that everyone knows is beautiful but never quite gets the attention they deserves.

Let’s give them some attention.

I first visited Prague, Czech Republic in 2010 with my mom and aunt as they were travelling around Europe with me. Our travel video of Prague tells that story.

While it wasn’t a place I knew much about, many people had recommended to check it out and and gave me some suggestions of what to do in Prague.

We only had a couple days so we focused on the main sights so we could best understand why most people fall in love with this Czech city.

Here is our breakdown of:

What to do in Prague!

What is the Prague Clock?The Clock

Possibly the most famous sight stop of all is the the Prague Astronomical Clock. Every hour the clock puts on a show and those in the square come to watch. It’s rather fun. It also happens to be the oldest functioning astronomical clock in the world.

Prague Clock Trumpeter The View

Once you’ve taken in the clock spectacle, start climbing. Yes, you can actually climb the clock tower and from the top you get the most spectacular view of Prague. The beautiful orange rooftops are a sight you can’t miss!  As well, when you are up there you can see the trumpeter put on his show up close and personal.

Charles Bridges VendorsThe Bridge

It’s hard to miss so you should take the time to walk across the Charles Bridge. It spans the Vltava River and is pedestrian only so you can take your time crossing it. Along the way you will find all sorts of vendors and spots to stop and admire the Prague scenery. While it may get busy at times, we waited until it had quieted down and had all the space and room we wanted.

The Food and Beer

I have such fond memories of meals in Prague. It seemed like every time we sat down there were more traditional meals and beers to try than I could manage.  While it may not be the cheapest eats in the world, try to work at least one good Czech meal in each day. You can use this time to sit and research some more on what to do in Prague. As for beer – go wild!

Best Churches in PragueThe Churches

As with a lot of Europe, you won’t have much trouble finding a church or two or twenty to explore. We managed to see a few and I couldn’t believe how elaborate some of the statues and stained glass were. It’s easy to get bored of churches but Prague posts some pretty beautiful ones.

Czech SoldiersThe Soldiers

We came across some soldiers and really enjoyed watching them changing the guard. They also sport these beautiful soft blue uniforms. So serious but so incredible.

The Metro in PragueThe Escalators

This one is a bit of a wild card but you HAVE to ride the metro, if only to see the unbelievably long escalators. The metro is dug so deep under the city so you find yourself going down and down and down to get to the trains. It may have just been my favourite part of Prague! On that note, the metro will get you all over the city, so when you are researching where to stay in Prague, keep in mind that you don’t necessarily have to stay in the downtown core.

Honestly, this city is extremely beautiful and worth heading a little further east to visit. My friends Katie and Geoff of Wandertooth filmed this great video of Prague that should seal the deal if you’re still on the fence.

Have you been to Prague? Anything you would add? Let us know in the comments below.

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