Greece is one of the most heavily visited and popular tourist destinations in the world, from island hopping to discovering its ancient history, enjoying the world famous cuisine to experiencing the renowned Hellenic welcome, Greece will captivate you from your very first visit. Here are the top 10 essential tips to getting the most out of your visit to Greece and making sure your trip is truly unforgettable.

Greece is a truly amazing destination, but it can take a little planning and a little work to make sure you get the most out of it. Here are the top 10 essential trips to help you plan the perfect Greek getaway.

Avoid Peak Season.

This is true of most popular destinations but with Greece it is especially true! The peak period in Greece, as it is across most of Europe, is May to September, and especially in the traditional Easter and Summer holidays. During this time the sun is intense in most destinations and the crowds are even more so, with most of Europe seemingly descending on the islands. Prices really shoot up too.

This is why the age old travel tip of visiting in the shoulder seasons is perhaps one of the best pieces of advice for anyone planning any trip to Greece. Of course if you have no choice then you shouldn’t let peak season stop you, but you’ll have less crowds and more money if you can avoid it! You can also experience a side of Greece that most tourists don’t, with winter festivals like Apokriátika or the flamboyant Patras Carnival.

Learn Your History, And Your Mythology.

Considered to be one of the founding pillars of western civilisation, Greece’s myths, legends and history have shaped art, literature and culture for thousands of years. Everyone has heard of the Greek Gods, the epic tales of Heracles or Theseus’ battle with the Minotaur. From Homers epics to Renaissance masterpieces, most people have been exposed to Greek culture, mythology and history throughout their entire lives, and you cannot turn a corner or set foot on an island in Greece without coming across an ancient ruin, temple to the old Gods or historical site, and having a little bit of knowledge beforehand will inspire you to look deeper or maybe even head to a specific destination.

You don’t need a Masters degree in the classics, but doing a little reading up on the myth and history of ancient Greece will really enhance your stay and let you connect more to the places you visit.

Get Inspired By Fiction.

If Greece’s ancient myth and history isn’t enough to inspire you on your Greek adventures, then why not take on a little light reading? Of course there are always the classics such as reading Homer’s The Iliad and The Odyssey, but there are also a ton of more modern classics too like Louis De Bernieres Captain Corelli’s Mandolin or the quintessential Zorba The Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis. John Moles It’s All Greek To Me and Gerald Durrel’s My Family and Other Animals will have anyone dreaming of picking up sticks and moving to the Greek countryside, and Henry Miller’s The Colossus of Maroussi is an epic piece of fictionalised travel writing. As if Greece isn’t inspiring enough, reading some fiction set in the places you are visiting will really add that extra layer of immersion to your travels.

Travel On Greek Time.

Slow travel is always a great travel tip at the best of times, you get to see more, do more and experience your destination on a much deeper level, but there is an added component in Greece that makes slow travel even more applicable. Greek time.

Like other parts of the Mediterranean, Greece has a culture that has a healthy understanding with the term ‘maybe tomorrow’, and celebrates a slow, laid back attitude to life. There is no word in the Greek language for punctuality, and the one thing that you can rely on is that public transport will turn up when it turns up, your meal will be brought out to you when it gets brought out to you, and there is no need to hurry for anything. Many tourists may get frustrated by this, especially if you come from somewhere where you can demand things get done yesterday, but that won’t work in Greece. Take a step back, relax and just enjoy it. You’ll not only get a deeper understanding of the culture but you’ll probably end up loving the laid back attitude to life! Your stress levels certainly will!

Embrace Local Food Culture.

Eat like a local, or doing anything like a local for that matter, is an overused cliché that I really hate using, but in some cases it is accurate, and this is one of them. Greeks love their food with a passion, it comes second only to their love for hospitality, which means that if there is one thing that Greeks excel at, it is feeding you! So sit back and enjoy the feat, because you are going to have one!

The best way to enjoy Greek food culture, apart from trying as many dishes as possible of course, is understanding that there are no formal eating times and eating out is an entirely casual and social affair, and often happens much later in the evening and well into the night. Instead of sticking to your three main meals, simply wander around and graze at as many places with as many people as possible!

Learn Some Of The Local Language.

To be honest this is more of a general travel tip as it is always polite to learn at least a little of the language in any destination you visit, but it holds just as true in Greece. English is really widely spoken in Greece, as are most major European languages, so you’ll never have a problem communicating, but knowing a few basic phrases and making at least an effort to blend in will ingratiate yourself with your hosts, put you a cut above the average tourist and make your time there more meaningful.

Spend Some Time On The Mainland.

Most travellers make a beeline for the Greek islands on their trips, and for good reason! Islands like Crete, Corfu or Rhodes are amazing and deserve their popularity, but when travelling through Greece don’t miss out the mainland too! From the imposing, snow covered mountains in the north, epic adventures discovering the deepest gorge in the world, the Vikos Gorge, or discovering ancient sites like the ruins of ancient Olympia, there is far more to Greece than just the islands.

Be Respectful.

Greece is more than used to tourists and younger generations won’t really bat an eyelid at travellers wearing next to nothing or walking into a cafe shirtless (yes, it happens), but remember that Greece is still a relatively conservative country, especially among the older generations. You’ll get a lot more respect if you treat them with respect and just be a little bit modest in your choice of dress. Shorts are fine, but put a casual shirt over the loose vest. Bikinis are great on the beach, not so much wondering around small local villages. This seems like basic common sense, and it is, but many people do just go into holiday mode in Greece and switch off their brain cells. This rule is especially true if you plan on visiting any churches or monasteries, which will have their own dress code formalities.

Don’t Be Shy.

Greeks generally bring a whole new meaning to the term gregarious. They are loud, extroverted, open, friendly and warm to an absolute fault, so don’t be surprised if strangers approach you with the traditional hug, kiss on the cheek and then start chatting to you as if they had known you for 20 years! Just embrace it! And if you get pulled up to dance at a festival, don’t refuse!

Travel Responsibly.

Although Greece has a huge tourism industry, the vast majority of that is all inclusive resorts that more often than not take the money and profits out of the country. If you are travelling through Greece try to give a little back and make sure your money stays with the locals, where it belongs. That means staying in local independent accommodation like guest houses or family run villas, eating at locally run restaurants in town or buying things from local shops. It really isn’t hard to travel independently, and you’ll quite often save money as well as helping the local economy too!

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