Dining in Salt Lake City, the capital and most populous city of Utah, is an incredibly varied experience. The city’s culinary scene offers anything from authentic Greek eats to new American cuisine and gourmet French and Spanish food. We explore 10 of Salt Lake City’s best restaurants in search of the best local cuisine and fine dining spots.

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The Copper Onion

The dishes here typify modern American cuisine, and include delights such as duck confit, ricotta dumplings, leek fettuccine and braised pork, all accompanied by the freshest handpicked selections of vegetables, herbs, spices and sauces. The meat dishes at The Copper Onion are always freshly prepared and stocked, and for those with a sweet tooth, the restaurant-made ice cream is a succulent treat.

Eva’s Bakery

A local baker/cook, Eva Coombs, had once gained a reputation for cooking tasty baked treats, filled with butter and passion. Always entertaining family and friends alike, Eva had a little helper in the kitchen; her skills were passed down to Charlie, her great-grandson. As the Chef/Owner of Eva’s Bakery Boulangerie and restaurant, Charlie ensures that Eva’s name, passion and talent for ingredients live on today. Whether you are a hearty pie lover, or prefer a croissant, customers can enjoy a host of baked bites, succulent sandwiches and perfect pastries, freshly made with local organic flour.

The Roof

The Roof offers stunning views of the city, including Temple Square and the downtown area, and gives visitors the chance to enjoy exquisite food. The menu consists of international flavours, daily favourites, and a famous dessert buffet, all prepared by The Roof’s Chef, Pedro Mauricio. The restaurant includes a private room in the north end of the restaurant known as The Library, which is perfect for business dinners, or intimate family dining experiences. Guests can also enjoy live music every night in beautiful surroundings, courtesy of the restaurant’s pianist.


Pago uses ingredients and produce from local farms to deliver refreshing seasonal menus that include meat, fish and vegetarian dishes such as lamb sweetbreads, steelhead trout, pumpkin salad and the mouth-watering Paco burger with exquisite truffle frites. The restaurant uses produce from many local artisans to complement its menu and there is a strong local theme and community spirit.

Bodega & The Rest

This venue houses two exciting places to wine and dine in Salt Lake City, Bodega, and The Rest. Bodega focuses on three T’s: Tavern, Tobacco and Tacos. It may act as a front-shop, but downstairs is where the fun lies: The Rest, located underneath Bodega, is where diners get to experience a quirkier side to Salt Lake City, a speakeasy, entered via an unmarked door with a special key. Once at the bottom of the stairs, diners can take in the eclectic decor and indulge in equally eclectic dishes.

Log Haven

Located near to downtown Salt Lake City in the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest, this award-winning venue is truly breathtaking. Beautiful waterfalls, flowers and scenery make Log Haven a magical place to eat. It’s little wonder that the venue is popular for weddings and reception dinners as it truly is a tranquil environment. In addition to a gluten free menu, Chef David Jones has prepared a healthy ‘Low Cal-High Impact Special’ three-course menu for diners with dietary considerations. The main menu offers specialities including a petit wiener schnitzel, Alpine nachos, crisp tempura sprouted tofu and grilled bison steak.

La Caille

The restaurant’s Grand Pavilion and tranquil gardens transport diners to another world, a culinary retreat based on an 18th century French-style chateau. La Caille offers visitors a selection of the finest French style cuisine, including red meat, poultry and seafood dishes. The brunch menu is particularly comprehensive and full of delicious options. These include gourmet egg variations such as salmon and asparagus omelette, spinach and wild mushroom omelette, and the crunch-combo of eggs, crispy potatoes, toast and porcine meats in the fantastic Chateau Breakfast option.


Offering a selection of Italian and American cuisine, including pizza and seafood, diners at Tuscany are in for ‘Euramerican’ delights. The restaurant is designed to trigger feelings of idyllic relaxation in diners, with allusions to Tuscany and pretty patios.


Salt Lake City’s premier Japanese restaurant has reached an iconic status in the city. The idea of Kyoto was to bring a touch of authentic Japanese dining to the city, complete with a rich array of dishes in beautiful surroundings. Kyoto plays host to a renowned sushi bar and counts the delicious ebi tempura and steak teriyaki dishes as house favourites.

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Volcanic Iceland Epic Trip

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2 years.


It’s the personal contact, the personal experiences. I love meeting people from all over the world… I really like getting to know everyone and feeling like I’m traveling with a group of friends.


I have so many places on my list, but I would really lobe to go to Africa. I consider myself an “adventure girl” and Africa feels like the ULTIMATE adventure!

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Every CULTURE TRIP Small-group adventure is led by a Local Insider just like Hanna.

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Culture Trip launched in 2011 with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful — and this is still in our DNA today. We are proud that, for more than a decade, millions like you have trusted our award-winning recommendations by people who deeply understand what makes certain places and communities so special.

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