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The Gold Coast is most well known for its golden beaches, tropical mountains, and lush green hinterland, but it’s also home to Australia’s highest external building climb, an open-air climb to the top of the Q1 building.

The Q1 climb, known as the Skypoint Climb, is an open-air adventure not for the faint hearted. If you’re not afraid of heights, and want to do something death-defying and puts you out of your comfort zone, this is a magical experience.

The idea of climbing to the top of a skyscraper building sounds crazy I know, but the accomplishment you feel when you reach the Crow’s Nest at the top of the building, and the incredible views of the city skyline, are a memory that will stay with you forever.

The SkyPoint Climb takes you to the top of the iconic Q1 resort building, Australia’s tallest building at 270 metres above sea level (you start from 240 meters, you don’t climb the whole building!).

To put that into perspective, this building is taller than the Chrysler building in New York City.

Piece of cake right? For me, not so much. I have a deep fear of heights, and whilst I have crazily jumped out of a plane, you never quite get over this fear and each new experience makes me nervous.

So doing the Skypoint Climb was my way of combating this fear, and getting out of my comfort zone. Here’s how it went…

About The SkyPoint Climb Experience

aerial view of surfers paradise beach and city buildings

The Skypoint Climb is an exhilarating experience that takes adventurers to new heights.

As the highest external building climb in Australia, those who brave this experience get to ascend to the top of the Q1 Tower, which features a massive spire that defines the Gold Coast skyline.

First you must take an elevator to the launch platform at the Skypoint observation deck on level 77.

people wearing harnesses and cheering

The climb begins at the Skypoint Climb mission control, where climbers are briefed by an expert climb leader.

Safety is a priority, and participants are required to meet a minimum height requirement of 130 cm to make sure they fit for the adventure. You must also be over the age of 12 to do this climb, and anyone under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult. Climbers over 75 need to be cleared by a medical practitioner and have a Skypoint climb medical clearance certificate.

man standing on a skyline wearing a harness

Before embarking on the ascent, you will be able to store any loose items and valuables in a locker, as you can’t take cameras or other loose objects up with you.

After your briefing, you climb into a glass airlock before being taken outside onto a platform where you will walk up a short step ladder to climb to the summit.

The climb time is approximately 90 minutes, and the highest point of the climb is at the Crow’s Nest, at 270 meters above sea level.

Once the climb is complete, unwind at the Skypoint Bistro and enjoy a hearty meal and restore your energy.

Our SkyPoint Climb Experience

stairs going up to skypoint

We booked onto the morning climb at 9.20am, and although apprehensive I was excited that we were going to experience 360 degree views over the Gold Coast region on a beautiful sunny day!

Our adventure began with a safety briefing session by our climb guide, Rach, who fitted us up in a specially designed full-body suit, complete with rubber-soled shoes, and full body harness.

My nerves eased when Rach assured us our harness could actually hold the weight of a bus, and once connected to the safety rail the only way to come off was at the end of our climb. Phew!

A view of surfers paradise next to a body of water

Unfortunately on these types of activities you can’t take your own camera or mobile phone on the climb, in case you drop it, so most of the photos in this post are courtesy of Rach and SkyPoint.

We made our way to the starting point of our climb on level 77 via Skypoint’s high speed elevator. It’s one of Australia’s fastest and took us from ground floor to Level 77 in 42 seconds.

It was time to summit SkyPoint.

We were now a nerve wracking 240 meters above street level.

Rach gave us some further instructions, and after exiting the building we were in position to begin our climb to the summit.

In front of us were 298 stairs that would take us to the summit and back.

Treading slowly at first and gripping my harness tight, with each new step I became more comfortable and felt very secure with the internal handrail guiding me skywards.

Within no time I was really enjoying the experience, even turning around and looking down to take in the incredible views and wondered why I was even nervous in the first place – compared to skydiving this was easy!

A body of water with a surfers paradise  in the background

But then came the step-out sections

About half-way up the climb you have the opportunity to un-clip part of your harness which lengthens your attachment to the inner handrail and gives you more freedom to move around.

It’s at this point you can step onto these other steps directly on the edge of the building. From here you can lean over the edge and look straight down the 270 metre sheer vertical drop.

This is optional. But I decided what the heck.

Tentatively I got down on one knee and leaned over. It was a LONG way down. I knew I was safe and was firmly secured by the other attachment on my harness, but it still gave me shivers.

view from a bridge looking down on city

It felt like no time before we reached the summit, and the reward was just how I imagined, an amazing view of the Gold Coast.

But before we could fully relax, there was one more test of my nerves.

The lean-back section.

Rach again instructed us to un-clip that part of our harness that gave us more length and she demonstrated the lean-back.

Letting go of the inner handrail and turning her back to the vertical drop, she put her heels on the edge of the building and lent back over the edge with two hands in the air and just the harness holding her weight – oh boy!

woman standing on a side of a building wearing a harness with views of surfers paradise beach

It came to my turn. Again this is optional, but I wanted to try. Legs shaking I stood on the edge, let go of one hand, but I just couldn’t force myself to lean right back and fully-trust in the harness.

I said with what felt like a fake smile on my face – “you know what, I’m happy to just be up here admiring the stunning 360-degree views of the Gold Coast region!”

Caz however, she stepped to the edge without a worry in the world.

And then we embraced for a team hug.

people wearing harnesses standing on top of skypoint climb

Finally we got to relax on the summit deck and appreciate the stunning views of golden sands up and down the famous coastline and over the canals to the lush hinterland.

We’ve been to the Gold Coast many times, but never seen it from this perspective. To be looking down on the iconic Gold Coast skyline was breathtaking, and I’ve never seen the water in the ocean look so blue and clear.

city buildings along surfers paradise beach

Looking south we could clearly see all the way to Coolangatta.

To the north we overlooked the second highest building, Soul at 243 metres, and up past the Broadwater.

And to the west we overlooked the million dollar homes on the many canals and the hinterland.

people handing off the side of a building and wearing harnesses

Whilst at the summit Rach chatted to us about the history of the Gold Coast and pointed out some points of interest. Did you know the Gold Coast has a canal system bigger than Venice in Italy? Me either.

We had enough time at the summit to take some creative shots, like laying down with our backs over the edge, and of course, the compulsory group shot.

woman laying on the side of a building

SkyPoint Observation Deck

The SkyPoint climb lasts 90 minutes from beginning to end.

Once we descended and stripped down from our climb outfit, Caz and I took advantage of the free access back up to level 77 and the SkyPoint Observation Deck.

We wanted to make the most of the views and relax with a drink at the Skypoint Bistro & Bar. I’ve had better coffee, but I don’t think I’ve had a better view.

I took this photo through the glass:

overview of a city along a beach

If you have friends or family with you who are not climbers, they can actually watch you do the climb through the glass roof panel from the Observation Deck which is pretty cool.

Either way, don’t miss out on experiencing the best view on the Gold Coast. I’m sure it won’t be that scary for you, and Rach and the guys at SkyPoint will show you a fun time!

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