A journey through Okunoin Cemetery offers an experience like a no other. It delves into the religious practises of Shingon, sacred traditions, and ancient folklore. However, there was one sight that did cause me to raise my eye-brow…. 

As I wandered down many of the winding paths and inner sections, I stumbled across a modern monument that read ‘Panasonic’ in big letters, not far away another one read ‘Nissan’.

Curious, I took a closer look. If there was a time I wish I could read Japanese, it was certainly now.

I couldn’t quite work out whether this meant that employees of the company were waiting in rest together, or whether it served as more of a symbolic monument to honour employees who had worked at Panasonic.

The first reason feels kind of dystopian to me, so I hope it’s more of a symbolic gesture…

Humorously, however, there’s even a tomb erected by a termite company on behalf of the insects it kills in the course of business. Sadly I didn’t manage to find this grave site myself, so I’d love to return to Okunoin Cemetery, and possibly with a guide. I know I only scratched the surface during my visit to this truly fascinating and unforgettable place. 

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