Hanoi Train Street is where the railway passes through narrow alleys lined with houses on either side of the track. Houses in the alleys set up cafes to allow people to watch the trains pass by.

This infrastructure anomaly of seeing a train pass through a populated urban area became a big tourist attraction. The alleys were getting so crowded that authorities closed down the cafes and blocked people from entering the alley.

Hanoi Train Street closed
[Notification that Train Street is closed.]

The closure of the Train Street cafes made international news, but there is still a section that is open (for now).

The south section is still open, and there is a way to see trains up close in the Old Quarter section.


Hanoi Train Street map
Le Duan Train Street
Le Duan Train Street timetable
Old Quarter Train Street
Old Quarter Train Street timetable
The future of Hanoi Train Street
Hanoi Train Street news

Hanoi Train Street map

[Map of Hanoi Train Street.]

Le Duan Train Street

The Hanoi Train Street where the cafes are still open are in Le Duan Alley in Dong Da District.

This “Train Street” runs through an alley (ngõ) south of Hanoi Railway Station (Ngõ 224 Lê Du?).

If you are coming from the Old Quarter or Hanoi Station, the entrance to the alley is via Kham Thien. The south entrance to the alley is at 222 Le Duan.

Hanoi Train Street at 222 Le Duan
[Hanoi Train Street at 222 Le Duan.]

There are cafes set up in houses in the alley, and some cafe put tables and chairs next to or on the railway track.

Le Duan Train Street cafes

About 5 minutes before the train arrives the cafes will pack up the tables and chairs, and you will be instructed to stand close to the wall.

Train in Le Duan Train St
[Train in Le Duan Train St.]

You can visit the alley when throughout the day, and it won’t be as crowded in the long hours between trains. If you want to do a photo shoot for Instagram or a dance routine for TikTok, don’t do it when the train is approaching.

Train track in Ngo 224 Le Duan
[Train track in Ngo 224 Le Duan.]

Le Duan Train Street timetable

The Le Duan Train Street is the line of the North-South Railway. The train schedules change over time, so to find out when trains are passing though you can check the timetable. I use Baolau as they have the most user-friendly search.

Check schedule of trains from Hanoi.

Check schedule of trains to Hanoi.

The cafes in the alley show the timetables, so can also check there if you are nearby.

Le Duan Trai Street train times

Old Quarter Train Street

The old quarter section is the line north of Hanoi Station for north and eastbound trains. Trains from Hanoi to Haiphong use this route.

This line became the most popular section as it goes around the edge of the Old Quarter in Hoan Kiem District (the most popular area to stay in Hanoi). I visited this section of Hanoi Train Street in 2019 and it had become a circus.

The section is closed and security guards will stop you if you try to enter at the Tran Phu entrance.

Closed Train Street in Hanoi Old Quarter
[Closed Train Street entrance at Tran Phu.]

There is another entrance in the Old Quarter along Phùng H?ng, and that is also closed. I saw some tourists enter only to be told to leave by security guards.

Closed Old Quarter entrance to Train Street
[Closed Old Quarter entrance to Train Street.]

It’s is still possible to see trains in a cafe on this track at A99 Cafe. This cafe is on Nguy?n Thái H?c, and because it has a frontage on a main street it may not get closed down.

A99 Train Cafe
[A99 Train Cafe.]

A99 Cafe has seats on the ground level and first floor.

A99 Cafe train viewers

This cafe has the seated section inside the cafe, which might be why it is still open.

Approaching train at A99 Cafe

Old Quarter Train Street timetable

Trains that go through the Old Quarter are going to Haiphong.

Check schedule of trains from Hanoi.

Check schedule of trains to Hanoi.

Note that some trains from Hanoi depart at Long Bien Station, which is at the edge of the Old Quarter and next to the Long Bieng Bridge (which is also worth a visit). The Haiphong train had stopped running to Hanoi Station but they have been restarted. Check the timetable for latest times.

The future of the Hanoi train street

Le Duan Train Street

Hanoi Train Street became famous partly because it is odd site to see a large railway pass through a heavily urbanised area. It’s not something that should be a tourist attraction, but it is a curiosity to see while it exists.

Vietnam is planning to build a high-speed railway from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City, which will replace the current railway. The future Hanoi terminal station will be moved to Ngoc Hoi station (10 km to the south). so this line will no longer exist. There is a plan to connect Ngoc Hoi Station to Hanoi Station with an underground metro.

There is also a plan to upgrade the Hanoi to Haiphong Railway, so the section that passes through the Old Quarter would also be retired from use.

Hanoi Train Street news

What is the fate of railway cafes in Hanoi? – [10/11/23]
“While Hanoi authorities believe that prohibiting railway cafes ensures social security, economists warn the ban will cause a special tourism product to disappear.”

Hanoi: Old railway cafes shut down, new coffee shops open – [10/11/23]
“Many new cafe were set up on the railway section from Tran Phu road-block to Dien Bien Phu Street in Ba Dinh district in Hanoi after the ‘train street’ cafes from Tran Phu to Phung Hung districts in Hoan Kiem district were shut down.”

Hanoi Train Street should open to spur tourism: experts – [01/09/23]
“Despite an indefinite ban from Hanoi authorities, foreign tourists still flock to Hanoi’s Train Street, prompting tourism experts to urge the government to consider reopening the attraction to boost tourism.”

Hanoi wants tourists to stop visiting one of the city’s most popular tourist attractions – [21/08/23]
“For nearly a year now, authorities in Hanoi have been trying to shut down “Train Street,” one of the city’s most famous unofficial attractions, where trains buzz by mere feet away from where people regularly sip coffee or beer in a row of open-air cafes.”

Hanoi once more orders tour operators to halt operations in railroad areas – [04/04/23]
“Despite the restrictions, Hanoi’s railway streets continue to draw domestic and international visitors.”

Foreign tourists flock to another section of Hanoi Train Street – [12/03/23]
“Six months after Hanoi authorities set up barriers at the famous Train Street, foreign tourists are flocking to another section of railroad tracks nearby.”

Hanoi train street still crowded despite ban – [27/10/22]
“Owners of coffee shops along Hanoi’s train street have continued to serve tourists, despite the ban from local authorities.”

Railway authority stands firm on closing cafes on Hà N?i Train Street – [07/10/22]
“Vi?t Nam Railway Authority (VNRA) has announced that the operation of café and beverage right next to the train tracks in Hà N?i’s Old Quarter must be stopped to ensure the safety for both local residents and tourists.”

Hanoi should not be remembered by its ‘Train Street’ – [06/10/22]
“Hanoi needs to be remembered for its cultural values, not risky experiences like sitting in coffee shops on the so-called “Train Street.””

Once bustling Hanoi Train Street turns quiet as authorities shut cafés – [25/09/22]
“10 days after Hanoi authorities ordered the closure of all coffee shops along Train Street as a safety measure, the once crowded tourist spot has become an oasis of quiet.”

The end of ‘train street’, but maybe only as we know it – [22/09/22]
“With the right idea and appropriate permission, the decision to close ‘train street’ could instead be a springboard to further capitalise on the tourism revenue that the area provided.”

Railway authorities firm about shutting down Hanoi Train Street to tourists – [20/09/22]
“Railway authorities have rejected Hanoi Train Street coffee shop owners’ demand to reopen on safety grounds.”

Locals want Hanoi Train Street to be fun, safe tourist destination – [20/09/22]
“Residents along Train Street in Hanoi’s Hoan Kiem District have requested authorities to consider making the street a fun and safe tourist destination instead of getting rid of it.”

Foreign tourist said to be hit by train while taking photos on Hanoi Train Street – [18/09/22]
“The Hanoi police are verifying information of a near tragedy in which a foreign tourist was hit by a train while trying to take photos on “Train Street” but escaped unhurt.”

Foreign tourists disappointed as Hanoi closes famed Train Street – [16/09/22]
“After Hanoi closed coffee shops along its iconic Train Street and put up barriers to prevent tourists’ entry, many foreigners displayed frustration.”

Hanoi sets up barriers along Train Street to prevent tourists’ entry – [15/09/22]
“Hanoi police officers have erected barriers to bar tourists from visiting coffee shops along the famous Train Street that will be closed this weekend over safety concerns.”

Hanoi to close coffee shops on Train Street – [14/09/22]
“Coffee shops along Hanoi’s iconic Train Street will be closed down by this weekend to ensure safety, authorities have said.”

This train travel article about Vietnam railways is part of the Southeast Asia rail travel series.

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