Trekking in Nepal Guidebook cover

Trekking in Nepal Guidebook cover

The best guidebook for trekkers in Nepal (August 2023)

Nearly ten years ago I began publishing guidebooks to Nepal because I truly wanted to deliver something that would help people get the most out of their trip to this great country. I did this because I found the current crop of big publisher guidebooks to Nepal were just not up to scratch.

Everest Base Camp Trek Chapter in Trekking in Nepal Guidebook
Quick look sections & heads up displays at the start of each chapter give you an easy way to assess a trek before getting into more detail with the best trekking in Nepal guidebook

Both my Nepal Guidebook and Kathmandu Valley Heritage Walks book have taken guidebooks to Nepal up to a new level. Within the Nepal guidebook is my book First Time Trekking in Nepal featuring five of Nepal best treks. The feedback has been great with many trekkers wanting more treks!

I’m now delighted to announce that one of the big projects I’ve been working on is now complete with this Trekking in Nepal guidebook containing over 28 detailed treks throughout Nepal!

This book has been a massive undertaking over the past few years. And, it continues to be with  keeping it updated with teams of guides, trekkers, porters and myself who have gone out to obtain, review and write the latest information in Nepal. This is the only guidebook with active teams constantly monitoring treks throughout the year!

Written to help you get the most out of your trek. Fully updated with over 28 great treks for August 2023 in Nepal. Including extensive preparation chapters, the new mandatory trekking guide rule, how and where to find a guide, how to budget your trek, weather outlooks, difficulty gradings, when to go and what to look out for. Each trek comes with complete treks written with a day-to-day walk-through of each trek including photographs and detailed maps to show you the way.

Plus, itineraries, alternative itineraries, and, for the first time ever in a trekking book, how to link treks together!

There’s new updates on weather changes to certain treks that have closed them over the past 5 years. Plus the new mandatory trekking guide rule TIMS card changes and new permits needed in 2023 that no other guidebook has.

This is the first & only trekking guidebook in 2023 to cover the controversial new rule on mandatory trekking guides: are they needed? What treks can you still trek independently, where are they needed, what are the fines for not having a guide?

I’ve also taken one of the best features from my other guidebooks and included them in this trekking guidebook – scalable maps in the digital version! In other words you can zoom right in on a trail. No other guidebook in the world has this.

Meanwhile for those that prefer print guidebooks I’ve two versions. A full colour paperback edition – the only guidebook of its kind showing you full colour photographs of  each and every day on the  trek plus full colour maps and features. Meanwhile for budget trekkers the exact same book is available in black and white at a reduced cost.

Why is this guidebook to trekking in Nepal better than the other brands?

Trekking in Nepal guidebook out trekking on a mobile!
Trekking in Nepal guidebook out trekking on a mobile!

Trekking in Nepal is one of the country’s greatest assets and a once-in-a-lifetime trip for visitors. So, it’s incredibly important you get the most out of your trek. There have been countless guidebooks written about epic trekking in the Himalayas. This guidebook is the most up-to-date in the world and the only one to show you treks as they really are.

Most guidebooks write about a trail telling you what lies ahead and how it looks in text only. This guidebook has detailed day by day write ups that tell you where you are, what’s ahead and shows you a photograph from everyday on the trek – so you really will know what to expect!

Maps are the bane of most trekking guidebooks. It certainly was one of the most time consuming aspects of writing this one. The maps in this book were created using GPS waypoints, real time trekking guides, trekkers along with me in groups and as individuals. The maps in the digital version of this book are scalable – meaning you can zoom right in! The maps in the colour paperback book are clear, easy to understand, and in full colour. The maps in the black and white paper back are clear and easy to understand. 

These are just some of the things that current guidebooks fail at. They treat trekking almost like you should already know where and what you are doing at all times. Unless you’ve trekked on that particular trek before, this makes it very hard to enjoy your trek. This guidebook fixes this and lets you know what to expect, when to expect it, and allows you to make decisions. It shows you the way with comprehensive descriptions, photographs and maps.

Most importantly, lots has happened recently in Nepal from the earthquake in 2015 to the landslides on Manaslu trek in 2016, Langtang trekkers going missing in late 2017, the surprise increase in trekking fees during 2018 and 2020 before being hit with the global pandemic. Then in 2022 and 2023 there were changes to the TIMS card and new TREK CARDS introduced followed by a new rule mandating trekking guides for all trekkers. You’ve read my constant posts and updates throughout all. This includes keeping all my guidebooks up to date. Unlike other guidebooks, mine are kept up to date so you can know what to expect and enjoy your trek.

Paperback Trekking in Nepal Guidebook open
The paperback best Trekking in Nepal  guidebook in full colour looks great

I don’t blame big brand guidebooks for not being able to keep things up-to-date. They can’t budget for it anymore. They hire a freelancer out once every 5 years on one or two treks. And that’s it. However, I can do so much more as I am in country, I understand the country well and have teams in place who go out trekking who keep me updated for each and every trek. You really can’t get better than that!

You deserve better than dated, out of touch big brand guidebooks publishing in cookie cutter format that have lost touch with the essence of trekking

I’ve written an independent trekking guidebook that delivers what trekkers to Nepal actually need. Not what a company has time to squeeze into their deadlines and profit margins. My guidebook to trekking in Nepal delivers to you epic treks as they should be seen and trekked.

I’m also not afraid to write recommendations to other trekking books within this one that go into even greater detail for individual treks. There’s no way I can cram the lengthy 5 month Great Himalayan Trail into this book, but I’m happy to write about it and recommend where to get specific book for that trek if you want the challenge. Meanwhile, for the 28 treks in this book there’s more than enough information to complete each and everyone.

That’s one of the beauties in this modern age of publishing. Being independent means you can actually give people what they need and what they want – to make the most out of their trek.

The feedback to my trekking guidebook has been overwhelmingly positive:

Page from Trekking in Nepal Book
All the content in the digital & print editions is exactly the same – simply choose which version you prefer

“I was so lucky to have the first edition of this book for our families big trek to Everest Base Camp & Gokyo Ri it was a fantastic resource”

-Martin, Netherlands.

What’s inside the Trekking in Nepal guidebook?

All versions (digital & paperback) of the Trekking in Nepal guidebook have the exact same content. It’s simply your choice on which version you’d prefer!

What this guidebook does for you (digital edition):

  • Every trek contains photographs for each day plus detailed descriptions linked to your map
  • Interactive digital maps (click a photo or location & it will zoom to show you )
  • Cross compatibility from being printable to digital (laptop, PC, tablet, or mobile)
  • Interactive elements (no more endless swiping on mobile or tablet)
  • The digital version works completely offline
  • The latest updates
The best trekking in Nepal Guidebook on mobile, tablet or paperback
The best trekking in Nepal Guidebook on mobile, tablet or paperback

What this guidebook does for you (paperback editions):

  • Every trek contains photographs for each day plus detailed descriptions shown on your  map
  • Detailed maps
  • 5.5?x8.5? paperback edition so it can easily fit in a day bag or cargo pants (paperback editions)
  • Choose between a full colour edition or a budget oriented black & white edition
  • For every paperback edition sold a tree is planted

How to to choose which edition is best for you? Paperback or Digital …

The digital guidebook means it can work on your phone, tablet, e-reader (pdf), or laptop. It means you can take it anywhere with no extra weight if you are taking a device anyway. It can sit next to the full Nepal guidebook with ease. It’s built for ease of navigation and has the bonus of maps you can zoom in on. No internet is needed, and its easy on your battery. Great for those packing light and who are comfortable with devices. If there’s an update to a trek it’s updated on the book.

The paperback guidebook means there’s no need to carry an expensive device. You don’t need to worry about charging a device. A paperback book is easier on your eyes. Weather is no longer a problem with a book. You can right notes anywhere on the book. You can tear out chapters you don’t need. You can easily research your trek by flicking through pages to find the right one for you. There’s a full colour book, or a budget priced black and white option.

Which one do I use? I use paperback books to research before going, and the digital version when I’m out on a trek. Both versions have the exact same content. And, yes I offer a discount for those who buy both! Buy the paperback, get 50% off the digital version – just drop me an email – yes, I’m human and yes it’s that easy.

Table of contents: + 400 pages, 28 treks, 76 maps,  over 460+ photos

What’s inside the guidebook for you & how it can help you:

  • All treks covered include Everest Base Camp, Gokyo Ri, Three Passes, Langtang Valley, Gosaikunda, Ganja La, Manaslu, Tsum Valley,  Annapurna Circuit, Annapurna Base Camp, Annapurna North Base Camp, Mardi Himal, Ghorepani Poon Hill, Khopra Danda, Mohare Danda, Muldai, DhampusPanchase, Dhaulagiri, Upper Mustang, Nar Pu, Muktinath & more. Plus popular day hikes including Shivapuri,  and Kaskikot.
  • Discover where treks are in Nepal and how many are linked together
  • Quick look options for fast references & a full index for pinpointing
  • Day-by-day written guides, including daily photographs of each trek & what to expect
  • Extensive trekking preparation from when to go, how to budget & where to find a guide
  • Save money with complete chapters on equipment including items you can’t get in Nepal & items you won’t need
  • Large sections on trekking agencies listed for all treks in the book including how to find a local guide
  • Full maps for every trek with the routes clearly planned out
  • Maps of where to find guides & trekking gear in Kathmandu or Pokhara
  • 400 pages of personally researched & locally updated information

An original well researched trekking guidebook

Three Passes Trekking Map
Detailed maps show you the trekking routes (zoom in & scalable in the digital version)

Sometimes when you buy a guidebook online you end up getting some loosely scraped together word document containing complete pages from WikiTravel/Voyage. This is not the case here. I’ve written, mapped, photographed and created every page in this book myself.

I’ve been on these treks myself and know what they are like to accomplish in different seasons of the year. I also keep them updated via teams of professional guides who take international trekkers on them throughout the year – this is the only guidebook to do this.

This was a massive project to set up … but it delivers something no other book does

Treks differ depending on the time of year. As an example winter treks are often closed while spring treks are washed out. I cover all seasons including the best treks for each with original weather charts.

Moreover I’ve been on these treks myself and know the “lay of the land”

Did you know that many trekking companies continuously push the Poon Hill trek because of the commissions they get from guesthouses? This is not really a problem, but it does mean that as someone looking for a great trekking experience you might be missing out on other treks like Mardi Himal, Khopra Danda, Morhare, or Muldai.

Trekking guides online and in person will try to sell you any trek by making it sound easy

I’ve included 100% original day by day difficulty charts with altitudes for each trek so you can see how tough a trek is really likely to be.

I’ve also updated all the maps with GPS and physical cross references to ensure everything is where it should be!

Did you know that every year there are mild variations on many trekking trails due to the extreme weather conditions many trails experience during the previous year. e.g., flooding, landslides etc,. Furthermore, this guidebook brings you 100% genuine trekking agency reviews and facts without exception so you will know exactly what to expect.

Mandatory trekking guides are now law in Nepal for many treks … but not all, I’ll show you where you can legally trek independently without a guide.

If you are looking for a trekking guide this book contains the latest local trekking companies who are fully registered, experienced and I’ve personally vetted.

I don’t and have never accepted sponsored treks, hotel stays, meals or tours. Everything I write about I pay for everything myself so you the reader can get the most honest reviews.

You’re in good hands with this book

Day by day trek details in the best trekking guidebook
This is the only guidebook to show you day by day trek details and photographs

If you’ve been following me along here over the past 17 years then you know my modus operandi when it comes to writing. It’s original, helpful, factual, truthful and honest every time.

I’ve listened to everyone’s feedback over the years and brought you the best free Nepal guides online. I’ve brought the best of this and a whole lot more to my Nepal guidebooks. Trekkers have been asking for a book with more treks. Now here it is.

Either download it instantly. Or, get a full colour paperback edition direct from the printing press. Or, for those feeling the pinch, there’s a budget black and white paperback edition also available directly from the printing press. Moreover, if you want to bundle them together with other books there are discount offers for the digital editions of all my books, or you can save on postage by ordering the Nepal Guidebook/Kathmandu Valley Heritage walks and this book direct from the printing press.

This great new generation of guidebooks are accessible to everyone helping to make travel to Nepal so much better.

If you are on the brink of buying this book then rest assured you won’t be disappointed. If you know anyone thinking about trekking in Nepal email them a link to this page.

This is the best Trekking in Nepal guidebook & can be yours to own with an instant download or by ordering a paperback copy

This guidebook has been written by a trekker, tested by other trekkers LIVE on the trails of Nepal in August 2023 with the very latest trekking fees and permit prices updated and is now available to everyone worldwide.

If you are going trekking in Nepal then this is the best guidebook you can have.

The best Trekking in Nepal Guidebook cover

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