Are you planning on traveling to Tunisia during Ramadan? Or are you wondering if Ramadan is a good time of year for a Tunisia tour? Traveling in Tunisia during Ramadan can present challenges, but with just a little preparation you can have a great tour. Not only that, Ramadan is a festive time of year, so there are unique opportunities to experience Tunisian culture.

Read on to find out how to prepare for your travels in Tunisia during Ramadan and how to enjoy the festivities along the way!

Ramadan in Tunisia: A Brief Background and Perspective

Ramadan is a month in the Islamic calendar when Muslims throughout the world fast from food and drink during daylight hours. Because it’s based on the lunar calendar, each year it moves back about 10 days. In 2023, it will start on March 22, so the following year it’ll start on March 12 (for more details on specific dates, check out this global holidays site).

Many Tunisians look forward to Ramadan because it’s a special season to focus on family and grow in personal piety. And like every great holiday, there’s delicious food and goodies specially made for the season!

Ramadan in Tunisia: Getting In On the Celebration

Like many holidays around the world, Ramadan is a celebratory season. It’s a month of fasting, but there’s also an emphasis on charitable acts, family, friends, food and fun (post-sunset)!People gather around a Tunisian meal in a home setting

The iftar (called shaqan il fatr in Tunisia) is the evening meal when families break their fast. As a traveler in Tunisia, taking part in an iftar is a great way to enjoy the festivities and engage the culture. And because the food is usually a feast of the most traditional and tasty of Tunisian cuisine, it’s a win from every angle.

Think stuffed dates, spicy shorba (traditional soup), tasty brik (filo pastry filled with an egg mixture and deep fried), piping hot lamb or fish couscous, and a variety of salads and sides, all washed down with a glass of refreshing il binn (buttermilk). Hopefully that doesn’t fill you up too much because traditional cakes, fruit, and mint tea will be served for dessert!

There are a couple simple ways you can join an iftar meal during your travels in Tunisia:

1) Many restaurants open for iftar meals. Because the restaurants cater to the local crowd, you’ll get a traditional meal and an insight into Ramadan festivities. Restaurants that serve iftar meals range from simple budget options to fancy.

2) For a more interactive experience, several local NGOs, cultural centers, and local guest houses (maison d’hotes) organize iftar meals that have more of an event flair. The purpose is to provide a space for people to meet one another and share a meal. So it’s an opportunity to meet Tunisians and learn more about Ramadan traditions. The event might host traditional live music or poetry, and historical, or religious readings. Cultural café Dar Kmar in the Sousse medina and guest house Dar Ben Gacem in Tunis are examples of places that host Ramadan events like this.

Tunisians Celebrate Ramadan Iftar Meal on a Rooftop in the Sfax Medina

Tunisians prepare for an iftar meal on the rooftop of Cafe Kemour in the Sfax Medina

Staying Culturally Sensitive During Ramadan in Tunisia

You might wonder if you can be culturally sensitive in Tunisia during Ramadan if you don’t fast. The simple answer is, absolutely! Tunisians understand that not everyone observes the fast. There’s also no expectation that travelers will be fasting.

If you consume food or drink in public, the respectful way to do it is to be discrete about it.

For example, if you’re exploring the Sousse medina (old city) and need a drink of water, step onto a quiet side street. Or, if you’ve packed a picnic lunch to eat while touring one of the many Roman sites, look for a place to sit away from the crowds. If you stop into a restaurant that’s open during the day, consume the food on-site, even if eating as you go would be more convenient.

If you’re traveling with one of our guides, they have plenty of experience helping travelers during Ramadan. They’ll be able to give you further insight into how to consume food and drink respectfully. Our guides will also be able to help you find good solutions for your meals.

Traveling in Tunisia During Ramadan: Knowing the Daily Rhythm

Ramadan is widely observed in Tunisia, so businesses, restaurants, and tour sites have adjusted schedules. The good thing is that the schedule isn’t random. There’s a daily rhythm that you can plan your tour days around.

Here are a few helpful points:

During the day:

      • Most restaurants and cafés are closed
      • Tourist sites are on a shortened schedule (plan on closures 3 hours or so before sunset)
      • Small food shops open later in the morning
      • Supermarkets are open during regular hoursA Couple Heading Home as the Sun Sets in Hammamet

Before the breaking of the fast:

      • Shops close up, and most people head home at least a couple hours before the breaking of the fast
      • Many restaurants open to serve iftar meals

After the breaking of the fast:

      • Most restaurants and cafés open soon after the breaking of the fast and stay open into the wee hours of the night.
      • Many Tunisians are out late visiting friends and family, so it can be surprisingly busy during the night.

Knowing this rhythm can help you plan your tour days. The main points you’ll want to plan around are that most restaurants and cafés are closed during the day and that things begin to shut down late afternoon as people head home.

Traveling in Tunisia During Ramadan: Planning Your Meals

A little planning of your meals can reduce the sense of inconvenience during Ramadan. You don’t need to have all your meals planned out ahead – even planning the next day is helpful.

Here are some ideas for what lunches and dinners can look like:

For lunch:

      • Stop by a grocery store and pack a picnic lunch if you’ll be out site seeing during the day.
      • Some restaurants that cater to tourists are open for lunch. It’s good to call ahead to a recommended restaurant and ask. Feel free to ask your hotel for recommendations. Your Engaging Cultures tour guide will know good options as well.
      • Some days, you may find it convenient to return to your hotel for your midday meal.

For dinner:

      • Consider booking hotels that offer buffet dinners so you can eat whenever it’s convenient.
      • If your hotel doesn’t operate a buffet, you may be able to pre-order dinner. Usually, this will be a set menu.
      • If you’d like to eat out, some restaurants serve an iftar meal at sunset. It’s helpful to choose a restaurant ahead of time to know when they start service and what kind of menu they offer. You can usually go in to ask or call ahead. If you find a good restaurant that’s convenient, consider going back another day.

Note about breakfasts:

Most hotels in Tunisia serve breakfast during Ramadan, so you’ll have this covered.

Traveling in Tunisia During Ramadan: A Chance To Engage

As the month of Ramadan now occurs during one of the best times of year to tour Tunisia, you may consider traveling during this season. Now you know how to make it work practically and make the most of the occasion!

If you have more questions about traveling in Tunisia during Ramadan, don’t hesitate to contact us today. And as you consider your travel plans, we’d love to work with you to build the perfect Tunisia tour, whether during Ramadan or another time of year.

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